Unaniplus It is an online platform dedicated to spread the awareness of numerous benefits of Unani Medicine View Project
Pixel Buddah Free Mockups
Free pixel buddah mockup, which you can use in both personal and commercial use. This includes two high resolution mockups. One for iphone and another for MAC. DOWNLOAD
Themeforest March giveaway 360 – Panoramic WordPress Theme
Grab the creative 360 degree theme from themeforest. It come under one free regular license. Theme is bit heavy but worth a try
VBulletin Installation Error Fix
We have resolved a problem in v-bulletin installation for our client and explained the steps which we took for it.
attitude child theme
This post helps you to Remove slider link from attitude theme. You can further extend the theme using Attitude child theme.
genesis author box not showing author image
Ever faced problem in activating author profile in genesis. Here is a complete guide to activate genesis author box. All the guide shows where to activate. At first a learner could easily do this. But when you got struck you dont have any idea why its not coming. We provide the logic behind the author box so that any can understand this.